The Move Forward Housing Stability Program is our comprehensive program designed for those who are wanting to move from homelessness to housing stability. Our program includes a stay in our Step 1 Residential Shelter where you will receive wrap-around services, therapy, case management and support to address your critical needs. We also offer Step 2 group living and Step 3 independent living program as the next steps toward housing stability that is still supported by our team. The goal is that every graduate of the Move Forward program is able to live independently and self-sufficiently outside of Serve City.
To learn more about the Move Forward Program please contact Housing Manager Dustin Bowman at
513-737-8900 ext. 102 or dustinb@serve-cityorg.

The Serve City Residential Shelter is a homeless shelter designed for those who are wishing to end the cycle of homelessness and move forward into housing stability and independence.
Serve City is a low-barrier shelter with minimal requirements for service however proof of residence in Butler County and some form of identification is required during intake and a clean sex-offender record. Other rules and requirements will be shared at the intake.
Neighbors can stay at the Shelter for between 45-90 days depending on need.
Support services are offered to all residents and guests on-site including showers, laundry, 3 meals a day, connections to local resources, and obtaining personal documentation just to name a few.
The Serve City Residential Shelter
Our Step 1 Residential Shelter is constantly at full capacity. To learn more about how to get into the Step 1 Residential Program and bed availability please contact at 513-737-8900 option 1.
The Serve City Group Living Apartments
Serve City developed our Transitional Group Living Apartments to create a solution to a growing housing problem in the community.
The Step 2 apartment buildings are providing transitional housing for homeless residents needing additional time to get back on their feet.
This step in our housing program provides 48 beds in 12 apartments. 4 individuals share each apartment. We currently have 2 apartments deisgnated for women and 10 apartments designated for men.

The Serve City
Independent Living Apartments
The Serve City Independent Living Apartments include Serve City’s 25 efficiency unit apartments was opened in 2011 through the hard work and generosity of many individuals and churches. Serve City was privileged to receive funding for the Independent Living Apartments from the City of Hamilton.
This building is Step 3 the Move Forward housing program and fuctions as the last step to assist with gaining independence and moving into permanent housing.